The Great Wolf Lodge is SUPER kid/family friendly! Which was such a nice change from the normal stuffy hotel where I hold my breath that Alex will behave and stay quiet. He loved the hotel from the minute we got there, though he was really well behaved the whole time anyway! The lobby was teaming with kids, it looks like a forest, and they had awesome Christmas decor everywhere! It was so exciting! Everything is forest themed- including the "do not disturb, cubs in hibernation" sign. So cute.
This hotel features an indoor water park that is included in the price of the stay- oh my goodness, it is so cool! Too bad Alex is a chicken and didn't think it was too cool yet, but Dad enjoyed some of the water slides for him. :) And he still enjoys just eating his snack while people watching. And yes, this meant that I had to put on a bikini (since I am not buying a maternity swimsuit in the winter!)....sorry folks, no pictures of this big belly for ya. I kept my tank on the whole time anyway. :)

Every night they have "Story time" where the kids all come to the lobby in their pajamas. Soo cute! And at Christmas time it "snows"! It actually "snows" twice a day. At 10 and 8- we saw it 4 times actually :) They have these characters (which reminded me of Chuck E Cheeses, you know what I am talking about) that sing and move and then it snows. Alex really liked it, in a kinda scared way.
Finally, we meet the big guy himself! They had Santa visit at night too! I was waiting for this because I figured it would be easier than waiting and all at the mall (with all the crazies, you know!) And it was so great! No wait really and we got to take our own pictures for free- love it! Alex did so great too! I was so proud of him!! No crying. Sat by himself. No smile, but hey, you take what you can get! Yes, I know he looks like he is wearing capris. They aren't. I just should have pulled them down. I was so nervous that I didn't worry about things like that.
The Gaylord Texan is right across the street and so we planned an evening to go over and see their sites. It is gorgeous and they have awesome model train set ups. To say Alex liked it would be a huge understatement. He doesn't "talk" a lot in public but he was pointing out the trains and town set like crazy! He loved the piano music at the bar too. :)
can't take his eyes off the trains
The real site to see there is their ICE exhibit. This is what Travis and I were so looking forward too. We had tried to go the time before but they sell out. So we bought tickets way in advance and thought we were set. Well, we were, but this place has a horrible system (and it was Sat. night before Christmas- stupid choice I know now). We had to wait about an hour in line just to get in. Not fun with a toddler. But, he was a trooper and we made it and gosh darn it we were going to enjoy this! It was just pretty brutal because you think you are almost there and then you turn a corner to find another long line. And then you get excited because you think you are there and people start bundling up for the cold, so you do too, and then you realize there is more waiting. Finally we got in! By this time we were tired and hungry and just wanted to get through the exhibit. But we did find a few spots to really stop and enjoy the beauty and fun of the ice sculptures. Did I mention that it is 9 degrees in there?! So we were a little cold too. They give you these parkas- one size fits all, so I look like a linebacker, nice. Poor Alex couldn't keep his on until I made Travis button it about half way through. Poor guy was freezing. We had to carry Alex through the exhibit because they don't allow strollers- now Travis' arms were dying from carrying the little guy. All in all, it was easy to complain, but we had a good time and it WAS an experience. I love that we normally find a laugh in the end when things like this happen to us. The ice really was amazing! Click here to read more about how they make it! They bring in men from China to work on it for nearly a month of all day shifts!
oh no, I've fallen and I cant get up Mom! (I was laughing so hard! Alex, not so much)
One thing we learned was that Alex has bad seasonal allergies. We spent most of the time wondering why he was having itchy eyes and sneezing. It couldn't be dogs, or milk, so we were racking our brain. The ultimate conclusion is just seasonal allergies, and I think Grapevine must have had a high dose this weekend. :(
Alex had a blast at the hotel. He loves to play on the bed, run around the room, mess with all the things that are at his level unlike home (like the phone and clock radio), and this trip he decided he likes to ride in the stroller. He kept getting in it, on his own, in the room.
I had a bad case of pregnancy brain and forgot several things. No veggies and no toddler forks...equals Alex not eating very well (ie. pretzels and strawberries for lunch one day! yikes!). Good news- he survived! And well, we didn't eat so well either come to think of it...I took advantage of the buffets and sweet shop. A preggo girls dream (I think they were trying to cater to the 10 year old, but whatever).