Well, I have several posts that need to be done. Ellie is 7 months (and just had her 6 month check-up). Alex is officially 2 1/2. We had a fabulous weekend at the lake for Uncle Matt's birthday. Among all the other cute stuff my kids do :) But first I have to post about our most recent adventures.
Alex started having a runny nose on Wednesday. Nothing big, probably just a little cold. Seemed fine. My Dad played with him on Friday and didn't even notice a thing. Saturday he woke up coughing. I didnt think too much of it but he was coughing a lot through the morning. Travis was concerned and gave him Benedryl to try to help with his drainage. It really didnt help. Travis was leaving for San Antonio for his race on Sunday morning but I had him run to CVS to get some cough suppressant before he left. Alex was so tired for his nap but couldnt stop coughing to sleep. Well, it didn't seem to work either and Alex was not having the nap. I started hearing Alex wheezing that afternoon and it was just getting worse. My dad came over and Alex just started freaking out. It was weird. He wouldn't stop crying for no reason but I knew he was so tired. Well, the crying made it even harder for Alex to breath. After some deliberation (thats putting it nicely and shortly) we decided to take him to the urgent care. I was so glad I did because it got worse and I was really worried about him as we walked in the waiting room. The doctor saw him right away and put him on the nebulizer. We did three back to back treatments (thats about 5 min. a peice). Alex did so well and I was so proud of him for being so cooperative. That is so not like him these days. My dad and Eliana came too so it was a party in there! :) I was so thankful that my dad was there to support me and help me stay calm and entertain Alex during the treatments! Who knew that Ellie could do the Hokey Pokey!?! Thankfully, we had enough progress from the treatments to not go to the ER. Basically he was diagnosed with acute bronchitis. We headed home (after some much needed french fries!) and tried to get the kids in bed. Ellie was a trooper and was pushed to the max. I still had to get the meds (steroid and antibiotic) and nebulizer and while I was gone Alex freaked out again crying and had another scare. We quickly got the nebulizer set up and calmed him down and he fell sleep. I was so scared. I didn't want to leave his side. I am so thankful that my parents could be there to help me. Oh, and Travis was on his way back home and got here as fast as he could. He slept with Alex so that I could be free to care for Eliana in the night if I needed to. We got through the night and then did more treatments in the morning. He seemed to really respond to them and seemed to be all better the rest of the day. Today we are totally breathing great! We will meet with the doctor later on in the week as a follow up. I am so scared that this is just the beginning of what could be asthma. It tends to accompany kids with food allergies. And just for the info, I have now realized that my epi pen would have worked for him if he couldn't breathe (just like if he was having an allergy attack). I felt silly not realizing that at the time but its good to know now.

But it gets better.... Alex busted his chin open this morning on the tile! The crazy part is that he wasnt playing sports inside like the wild child that he normally is, he was just watching TV and was resting his head in his hands (laying on his belly, elbows propping it up), slipped a little??, and hit it on the tile. I could see immediately that it was an open cut with gushiness coming out (sick, I know). I tried to stay calm and the good news was that there was minimal bleeding. Alex calmed pretty quickly and we got a big band aid on there. After some deliberation (and yet again, this is saying it nicely), I thankfully just took him to see Dr. Vinnie, my brother in law, the surgeon. He "taped" it up in a jiffy! Alex was yet again awesome! Hopefully it will heal up nicely. Thank goodness no stitches, no ER, no big drama, no cost! I LOVE Vinnie!!! He made my day!! Oh, and yet again, thanks Nani for coming to my rescue and watching Ellie for me! What would I do without family?!

To top it off, Eliana has been sick too. She had the cold and then after her vaccines she got really sick. She is happy but I know she doesn't feel well. She's got some junk in there and it doesn't sound good. :(
So thats whats been going on in our neck of the woods. I need a drink. with an umbrella in it preferably. And can I just wrap my kids in bubble wrap and make them sit on the couch all day?!