I can't believe that I am 27! (so old, I know! haha) I had a wonderful birthday yesterday! I took the day off from work, not only to celebrate but because I had my 24 week checkup. Everything is looking good and on track! Yea! My doctor acted like I was kinda boring- but hey, boring is good! I will take it any day! What a wonderful birthday present!
Thanks for all of your calls, cards, emails, and happy wishes too- you made my day extra special! :) I have to share- I am so excited because Travis got me tickets to see Celine Dion! This is like my life dream! haha...but really, I am super pumped! The funny part is that the concert isn't until Jan. of 09! next year! but I don't care! I just love that I have a ticket and I know I will see her! Isn't he the best husband ever!!!!!!! :) (Credit to my mom too since she helped him- shes the best too!)
We registered this weekend and we are getting so anxious to set up the baby room. I know we have plenty of time but it will be so fun, we just can't help but want to! It was so overwhelming to register and it took all morning! Travis was a trooper and I was so proud of him for helping and being patient with me. We will continue to update them and work on them as I figure all this stuff out! It's a lot to think about! :)
I am feeling big. (I know I know, I have a LONG way to grow, I mean go) Putting on shoes is getting harder, picking things up off the floor, getting off the couch- oh wait, maybe thats because I am a couch potato! Anyway, everyone comments on my belly button sticking out. There is just no fighting it. I just have to embrace it. :) My kids at school have even been brave enough to mention it (like I didn't know). They all thought it would be very cool for me to "have" the baby on my birthday. I think they were all a little disappointed this morning when they walked in. The kindergarteners all stare at my belly as I walk down the hall. It is so obvious, its funny! Even if I talk to them, they keep their eyes fixed on the belly button!
He is a very active baby and has started moving more during the day. Just this week he was kicking me as my kids came in for the morning. He obviously didn't like it either! heehee Travis' mom got me some classical music cds for babies and he loves them! He always starts moving when I turn them on. And I think he likes the music at church too! We might have a lil musician on our hands!
My next appointment is in three weeks (instead of 4) and I will go one more 3 weeks, then it is down to every 2 weeks already! I can't believe how time is flying!