Ellie is 4 Months old! we are rolling right along....
She does the sweetest bashful grin for her daddy. Just giddy!
She just loves to look at us and loves us to talk to her. poor thing I think just craves the attention since its shared by the attention hog, big bro ;)
Found her voice and is quite loud when she wants to be
Likes to "talk" with her pacifier in, kind of a "nuk nuk nuk"
Hands are always in her mouth
Loves to grab for her toes!
Started to prefer to have Momma
Has a hard time sleeping in public now and sleeps a little less during the day
Doesn't really care for tummy time and always rolls over
Likes to sleep in her bed and gets very dramatic when she is tired
Has quite the grip and is gripping for everything in site...including my hair, face, chest, shirt- you name it!
Can sit in the bumbo pretty well
still really good about playing on her own
Is a little cuddle bug and lets me rock her now...yea!! Alex wouldn't really let me do this because he just wanted to nurse if I sat with him in a chair. I think the main difference is that she takes a pacifier. I don't get to do it that often because I don't have a lot of time during the day without Alex busting in demanding something of me ;) So she still has practice going to sleep on her own.
I am not sure what happened because we were doing so well, but now she gets up a couple of times in the night most nights. Every once in a while I am blessed with all night or just once. I will take it because I know it could be worse. She is really good about going right back to sleep after nursing.
I am not sure about her weight and stats because her appointment isn't for a couple of weeks. I forgot to make her appointment early and we couldn't get in till Sept! Oops! :( but we are still in 3 month clothes
I do know that my baby girl is just the most precious thang ever!! Love you sweetheart!
she is a cutie!! these baby days are going by too fast this time.
She is so precious and a happy girl!
oh my gosh, all those pictures looked so professional! they are just beautiful cassie! i love her outfit too! your talent, with your pretty little one, makes you two a great blogging pair! congrats on all that she is up to, wow, she is so smart and sweet and full of personality, i miss her! and as far as sleeping goes, this was just about the time where bekah was not sleeping as well either and it had to do with her teething. no matter what it is, it will pass!
eliana is so adorable! and looking so long!
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