My little buddy is getting to be such a big boy! I can't believe it!!
He has 10 teeth now! He did get the top molars like I expected and the bottom ones are on their way in! Not fun I am sure!! :(
He has been sleeping SO much better. Even graced me with a few real all nighters! Most nights he still wakes up once. But normally its early in the morning (actually around the time Travis wakes up to go running in the morning- crazy guy!) and then he goes back to sleep.
He learned how to breathe in and out his nose on purpose-hard and fast- silly but cute. He figured out how to shrug his shoulders and does it all the time! (Like he is bored or something, just hanging out)
When you say...a cow says... he goes "mmmm" we are working on the "ooo" part.
I love that he will hold your hand and walk with you. so big.
He is a speedy one. Almost running! He tries!
He shakes his head kind of like he is saying no no no, but I dont think he really gets it yet. (thank goodness)
He is working on puckering up when giving kisses instead of the open mouthed...we are all excited about this one!
We have figured out that he is officially allergic to dogs. Big bummer! This one is almost harder than the milk allergy. I hate that it affects other people mostly! I am going to really pray about this one!! We love dogs and always dreamed of having one later on! But I am constantly reminded that if this is all we have to deal with (as far as health), I will take it.
Alex is eating well...just scarfed a whole hot dog, several grapes, and a handful of peas for lunch. :) His favorite has to be strawberries though! (just like Momma)
We went to the doctor today and he is growing like a weed. Tall and skinny. In the top for height and only 5% for weight. (Oh, and good news, ears are clear and healthy!! yea!!)
He is not "talking" with words still but I feel confident that it will just click one day. He sure does make A LOT of noise and can "communicate" what he wants with his cave man grunts very well. He points at EVERYTHING. He doesn't even know what he wants, he just knows he wants it. He signs all the time too! I love it when he goes through all the signs he knows trying to find one that works for what he wants to say. (Kinda like a mom who goes through all her kids names, you know)
He has just started lifting his hands up in a "where did it go" pose and even uses his mumbo-jumbo talk with matching inflection.
He just learned how to climb up on the couch. Whoa. This is going to rock our world. He is now going vertical! He just wants to RUN, yes run!, from end to end of the couch. Please pray I don't have an ER post any time soon! (Any tips on "time out" for someone this age please let me know-haha)
I love laughing and playing with him everyday. He is starting to really play and interact well with others. He is so funny! And sooo animated (EVERYONE comments on this). He will let you know exactly what he is thinking with his facial expressions. He can be so silly, but he can also be soo focused on a task.
He is just a sweet sweet spirit that lights up my life. He brings joy to my day and has no idea how much I love him. Happy 15 Months Alexander Travis!
happy 15 months! i think he looks a lot like you in that first picture.
Wow! He's getting so big Cassie! Very cute ;)
Gosh he just looks so much older to me than 15 months. He has a mature face!
Oh, girl, we are in for some trouble with this whole couch thing. Mya does it too, even on the ottoman. And time out, next time I see you, I will demonstrate. ;)
what a big boy you are! and he's so cute :)
Wow! He is getting so big and doing so many things. Kenzie also loves to climb on the couch and run! We've started taking her off the couch when she stands up...we are encouraging crawling on the couch. I've done some timeouts lately b/c she loves to steal fun!
oh thank you so much for this awesome post! what a great clip of all the things that you talked about too! you are a master blogger cassie! it was amazing, watching him in that video and then thinking back to just a year ago when we all went to matt's el rancho together! gosh he has grown!
He's the cutest little guy ever!!
Grandmother Nani!
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