Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some fun in the sun!

Well, we made it! We are at home sweet home! The lake trip was a success! We had a great time and Alex did so well! We were so happy, that he was so happy! Really, I think he liked it better there than at home with boring 'ol mom! There were plenty of people to hold him, play with him, and look deeply into their eyes. :) He loved being outside under the trees and he loved the house with all the many many lake themed decorations covering the walls. He slept well and even slept through the night again on Sat! I couldn't have been happier! It was nice for me to get a way a little too. Ruth babysat so I could go out on the boat some. We swam, layed out (yes, my body was screaming for some sunlight, especially next to Miss Tan 2008, Leah Isaacson), and wakeboarded. Yes, I did...and I payed for it when Alex woke up at 4 the next morning to eat and I could barely get out of bed with my sore muscles and sun stressed body! But it was soo fun! :) The weekend was full with celebrating Aunt Leah's Birthday, washer games, junk food, grilling out, catching up on all the star gossip of People magazine, fishing, Mexican Train, reading books, watching the Olympics, morning coffee, and Alex swimming for the first time! The only bad part was my itchy arms and legs after the mosquitoes ate me up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! A small price to pay.
The horizontal stripes are not helping my figure mom...

but it's okay, I am still a happy boy!

Can you feel the love?

sitting on the dock, hanging out

Steve doing his thing

an intense game of washers

Happy Birthday Leah!

Its all fun and games till Uncle Matt gets spit up on! haha!

Hanging with Honey

The whole gang

Just the 3 of us

Ready for swimming!

not quite sure of this yet

our little "hot tub"

He likes it!

Swimming Day 2-
Telling Aunt Leah about the new pool rule:
No spitting up in the pool! It looks like cobwebs when you do! yuck!


Anonymous said...

sounds like your trip was a great success. So glad to hear little Alex is giving you some extra sleep at night even if just once in awhile. Great pictures as always. Hope to see you again soon. Heidi

shalonda said...

awww glad yall had such a fun trip! those trips are such a nice change in your routine and much needed for all of you! so glad he slept through the night again....you are in the homestretch of sleepless nights hun hang in there!