Thursday, December 16, 2010


To start the Holiday postings I would like to share Alex's new favorite Christmas song. I forced him to listen to Christmas music the other day in the car and this song came on the radio. He immediately liked it and started singing along. He kept singing it when we got home so I thought I would find it on youtube (to try to be cheap and not buy it on itunes). Well, parent lesson learned, watch this stuff before you put your kid in front of it! I stopped when the half dressed men started rolling fruitcake down their chests. I was laughing as I stopped it and Alex thought it was really funny too. Oops! We ended up downloading the song so that we could play it minus the crazy video. But I had to share- you can't NOT laugh at this! Alex seriously wont stop singing it! He busted out last night at dinner "what you making!?" and he was insistent that I reply "Fruitcake!" Hope this gets you into the spirit! :)


Solomon Clan said...

OH MY GOSH!! I can't stop laughing!

Kristen said...

Hilarious! I love the men rolling the fruitcakes on their bods :)

Crystal said...

Ha, this is too funny and catchy!! Fruit Cake!!

Ashley said...

Definitely laughing out loud!